Selasa, 19 November 2013

Just at Home


Hari ini seharian aku habiskan d rumah. Rencananya ingin keluar pukul 7 malam. Namun makassar dilanda hujan. Sejak sore hujan deras mulai turun. Tak hentinya hujan turun hingga larut malam. Ini membuat driku malas keluar. Dingin pun menghampiri.

Hari ini aku hanya duduk di depan laptop. Sesekali ke wc dan juga take a break for sholat. Stelah itu lanjut lagi. Malam sekitar pukul 7., aku mulai bosan mengerjakan tugas. Jadi aku mengambil waktu untuk istirahat. Aku pun duduk bermain dengan hp. Selanjutnya berbaring sambil main hp.

Bosan karena sinyal yg kurang mendukung jadinya nonton bersama. Sebenarnya capek, tapi hasrat menonton lebih besar dari pada hasrat untuk tidur. Kami pun menonton film ;"exam". Film ini sudah lama. Tapi baru kali ini aku memperhatikannya cukup baik. Ternyata setu juga. Process test yg berbeda untuk melihat personality seseorang.

"Everything you can do if you want" that's I got it from that film. You can cooperate or distroy each other. That's your decition. The administration and everything need to be detail. If you in an exam please listen carefully to the istruction. Don't lost your mind and keep to the final target of result. Details is everything. Its also about analysis the condition, keep calm and helping each other without lose.

Good film, so msny things we can get anyway. I remember when I do my field work in pertamina. Our supervisor tell us when last time meet with him, he said "if you are interview with me, I want to see your concentration and memory". I tell you to open a book and read it. I will just talk the funny things and while you enjoy I will give the last question. What is the answer? If you remind and really look and read the book that you know the answer but if not you may not know the question. Its because you don't concentrated during the interview session. You not remeber because not focus that is the question inside or the bad case you not read it.

Hope this can become the refference when you do the interview or exam. The main point is FOCUS! You will get the answer :)

Sekian cerita hari ini. Alhamdulillah.
Wassalam ;)

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