Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

2 Minutes Before New Year



Detik detik pergantian tahun, seperti biasa suaranya langit sungguh berhemuruh. Hujankah? Tentusaja kamu tau bahwa itu bukan hujan tapi suara gemuruh kembang api di langit. Sungguh suaranya berasal dari mana2. 30 detik sebelum count down sudah sangat cukup membangunkan orang di sekitar.

Happy new year!! Orang orang meneriakkan itu ketika tepat pukul 00:00 dan kini sudah tgl 1 januari. Tahun resmi berganti. Selamat jalan tahun 2013. Disana sungguh meninggalkan kenangan. Banyak kenangan yang tak tertuliskan, banyak kenangan yang terlupa. Tapi yang pasti ada kenangan yang sunggun membuat hati ini senang.

Ditahun 2014 ini, aku ingin menata hidup kembali. Mencoba memulai hidup baru yang sungguh memulainya dengan benar. Tanggal 30 desember ini aku menulis sebuah status di facebook. Isinya bahwa aku merindukanmu ayahhh. Sungguh aku sangat ingin melihatmu sekarang. Dan aku sangat ingin bertanya kepadamu "apakah yang engkau inginkan dalam hidupmu? Bisakah aku mewujudkannya?" Aku juga bertanya kepada diriku sendiri "apakah yang aku inginkan dalam hidup ini? Aku tak tahu...

Teman yang jauh disana atau bisa dibilang kakak, ia lebih tua dariku mengomentari status yang aku buat. Ia berkata "evhyyy, galau tahun baru ya? You know, some people never know what they want in life until they look back and say that was I wanted. Unfortunately, they spend most of their time asking and never really got what they want in their life because life passes them by. Don't be that person, okay? You don't ask what you want, you ask what you need to make your life meaningful for yourself and for others you love. You ask your self and the rest will follow. None of our closest person will know the answer for us. Because once they do, its not our life calling anymore, its theirs, and you will end up asking your self if that's really what you want for the rest of your life. After you find the answer, then you go to your clotest person to talk, because they are there to support you in the best way possible and help you make peace with your choices. Have a blasting new year yaa. Hugs!! "

Its really really give me the answer. Just need to choose what exactly I need to make my life so meaningful for my self and peole around me. I just find the way now. Thank you kakak akino. When I get galau you always there to remind me. Thank you, thank you so much. Really want to meet youu and hug you.

Happy new life every one. Proud to your self and thinkking now what you need to make your life so meaningful for you and peole around you and you love ;)

I think I want to smile in front of people even I fell pain inside. I want to help people as much as I can. Become fake as long as other people happy. No talk about the bad things about someone in front many people. Just talk to someone that you believe if you get tje problem because of that and can solve your problem.

Hemmm.. Love youu all ;)

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Terima kasih sudah mampir. Semoga bisa bermanfaat selalu :) Amin.
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