Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Show Me my REASON

I feel so weary
I don’t know why
But I think I don’t undestand about it
I cannot fill my heart with YOU
I cannot found what my reason
But I still here for YOU

YUO know all about me
I don’t know all about YOU
YOU know all about life
I just  know a litle about my life
YOU know ALL

If i think  about it
that so sick
i don’t know why i wanna do it
i think YOU know
Please!!! Help me
Please!!! show me my way
show me my reason
show me my good life
Show Me my BeTTeR fUtuRe

YUO know all about me
I don’t know all about YOU
YOU know all about life
I just  know a litle abou my life
YOU know ALL

Just For YOU
Just For YOU
Please!!! Help me..
@my_home_think about my taks_always smile ^^

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Terima kasih sudah mampir. Semoga bisa bermanfaat selalu :) Amin.
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