Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Menyandang Gelar MABA

Hallo, my name is evhy. i study in Hasanuddin University. my major is Electrical engginering. i feel just 1 semester sometimes ago,time over quick and Now, i’m in seven semester. and I hope, this my last year in  University. Amin!
okay!!! in my first semester they call me, maba (mahasiswa baru) in english like new student. they don’t know, who is my name? my first semester just over to study and back home. not something to do and no interested to do. very boring! but sometimes, i go with my frends. yes, i have friends. of course! i hanging out with them. they name is fitri, nadifah, inna. we like as soulmate. we always go togather, like study, hanging out, go eat and etc. i feel that is very happy. oh.. ALLAH, thanks for YOU. you give me friends. and they good person.
in second semester, i think same in first semester. not a lot to do. But this time is very tired. i don’t know why???? maybe, cause we have a lot of study, activities, and other. and i’m beggining to try join in student club for next semester. We have a lot of club. you can choise what you want? you can search in internet for information. so, Good Luck!
in three semester, i feel diffrent. i try join in workshop club. workshop club is place to study about programming, hardware, atc. exactly, all about computer. and you will have project and some test before they accept you as member. If you is member, you will have responsibility in a project. You is part of a project to do. and i try to join in NEO. neo is journalist club. i love write something. so, i think i can join to publish my write. i wanna be writter. so, i hope join in neo is my first step to be a writter. but, you know neo is journalistic club and they task is search news. so, if you join, your job is reporter. they give you project about search news in one heading. like galery, or prime news or something in the heading. ok!!! i give them my document. and i join in some test and some interview. that very nervous. but, i very happi. i see my face in wall magazine, and that announcement about Congratulation for you! oh… thanks to ALLAH. YOU answered my pray. that very happy. I accept join in that clubs. I have job, I have project and a lot of to do. Let’s GO… SPIRIT!!!!!
In Four semester, that very busy. my study very much. yaeh!!!! i need spirit every day. my job unfinished, i can not join in project. oh.. that so bad. i think this time not good. but i still thanks to ALLAH, because my study still good. about my friends, we seldom hanging out again. i very busy with my activities and they too. oh, ya.. i forget! i think this semester i go to Bandung. Huhuhuhu… yeah.. this the first time i go hanging in other city. YEAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! COOOOLLLL….
i go there with my friends and my senior. we go there by ship. oh.. this is my first time again, i’m in ship. i’m in the sea. this is my first expirience. the ship go to surabaya. from surabaya, we go bandung by train. this my first time use train. oh, ya.. i go Bandung to join in PLC competition in ITB (Institute Technology of Bandung). this is good University in Bandung, best university (i think). huh… yeah…
In Five semester, this time is my first join in the largest International organization. before i join with them, i learn obout this organization in event “Kuliah Tamu”. I learn from miss kathy from Russia. i;m very interest with it. and my friends have information about a person which part of the organization. she is call me, i’m very happy. we meet the person. she explain to us about that organization. and that so good. she recommandate me to join. and of course i join. this semester , i register to Electrical Engineering Event. they have one event is Electrical Engineering Award 2009 (EEA). i try to send my idea about Telecomunication technology (actualy, my senior idea). i send to organization committee of EEA. i dont believe this, they accept my idea. and i go to the next step, make proposal. and WOW!!!! they accept my proposal and next step i go to Presentation in BAndung. oh.. BANDUNG, I’m coming again…..
all right, in the same month i will go to jakarta. i will join in the national conference by my organization. oh… this my first time go to jakarta, and my first time in the flight. that so coollll….. oh.. i like my life. very much experience, i get. Thanks to ALLAH, YOU give me all. Only YOU in my heart!
In six semester, so bad again. but just always try to doing better. i selected as member of Himpunan mahasiswa elektro (organization). i’m in interest,talend and science profesionalism kompartement. and they choice me as stearing koordinator of Let’s Research event. but, that job is unfinished,oh.. i’m sorry my friends, all my fault. by the way, this semester i go Jakarta again to join in Expansion Training in my organization. I go alon. oh.. scarely….. but, i must do it. it’s time to be own master, it’s time to action alone. and after in jakarta, training continue in Bandung. so, i go to bandung alone by bus travel. No problem, there, have some one pick me up in terminal. so, i’m no afraid. Let’s DOING!!!!
Now, in seven semester. yah.. still have job in HME, but still unfinised. i try to doing again, for do the best. i alway try. so, for you my friends, i apologize to you! please, accept my apologize. Please!!!! i always hope you. and please, help me to finished my job. My study not busy, but must spirit every day. Give SPIRIT!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME SPIRIT!!!!! oh, yah… i will go to semarang in this mount, actually in month end. I hope, i can finished my job, i can do the best, always. I always spirit, not lazy anymore. SPIRITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
thanks to ALLAH SWT. Always thanks to ALLAH SWT.
@ Antang, BTN Makyiobaji C6/11, in my sister home.

1 komentar:

  1. Hahahha.. pas baca ini lagi jadi lucu sendiri. Waktu itu masih belajar menulis dan belajar bahasa inggris. Jadi sekalian aja belajar nulis pake bahasa inggris. Gila.. grammar hancur abisssss... hihihihi :D


Terima kasih sudah mampir. Semoga bisa bermanfaat selalu :) Amin.
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